Kill your ghosts to revive confidence
Not getting your mind messed up by what anyone thinks of you — that’s the real secret to getting a man, getting a job or getting anything you want in life. If you can wake up in the morning, shoo away the ghosts and mares of the night, look at the mirror and give a huge smile, a cuddly self hug that oozes love and happiness, that’s half the job done.
Let me tell you about the other half. But first I need to pack off a few ghosts that have hung around inside your head from a thousand morose mornings.
Ghost 1: Only the most drop dead gorgeous chicks get the best looking hunks.
Ghost 2: I am below average in looks so I’ll only get a below average guy, or worse.
Ghost 3: All the best guys are already taken, so what’s the big deal anyway?
All three ghosts have to be sent packing. Here’s the unvarnished truth.
Truth 1: Only the most confident and impressive women get the best men. (Note this point: There’s a world of a difference between gorgeous and impressive.)
Truth 2: Your looks, your skin tone, your height, even your weight — these have absolutely nothing to do with wowing a man.
Truth 3: The best guy hasn’t been taken — he is hanging around waiting for you to fall in love with yourself first, so that he may fall in love with you afterwards.
Wake up to the hardcore truth of existence. You are limited by yourself and your thoughts. Your real self is compressed into a corner by pressure from a zillion other selves around you, people who shove their fears and frustrations into your head in the hope it will leave theirs. In this way a thousand negative emotions are pumped into your head everyday. You need to stop believing what they are saying and start believing what a tiny voice in your head has been trying to say. A voice you stopped listening to since you were a child. A voice that was once the real you. That voice once had a face behind it — yours. And it was a calm, serene face untroubled by the world. A face that never considered the possibility of a negative emotion simply because it didn’t know what a negative emotion was. If you can get that person back into your life it’s the other half job done.
You will have all the confidence and calm you want to move forward, all the inspiration you need to act boldly, all the energy you need to achieve your goals. Some of you might be asking — Is this really possible? What about the fears and frustrations then? Can they simply melt away as if they never existed? How can we undo the damage we have already done to ourselves?
I say this with utter certainty — it’s possible to undo the damage. You need to learn to look at yourself and one by one weed out all the toxic debris from your mind. It’s just as if a gardener walked into a patch wild with poisonous weeds that were choking all the flowering plants. He would then sit down and carefully pull out the weeds by their roots- taking care not to hurt the flowering plants, with patience and poise, till the garden looked beautiful once again. Wanna try? Well, you need to sit down calmly beside your own mind and survey the damage first. It’s well worth the effort. In fact it could be the best thing you ever did…
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