Subconscious can help you manage crises
Dear nameless teen friend,
Ok, so in short this is what happened. At a dance in a party, a girl was in your arms for one mad moment and the next mad moment you said something smart, something that would let her know what a cat you were — and she pushed you and walked away, leaving you shamefaced before the whole world.
What do you want me to say?
At that heady instant, when the fragrance of her perfume was wafting through your nostrils, one second before your remark — if only you could pull off a creative pause, ever so slight, and allowed a download of a kind to happen — you would have smoothly evaded the crisis, maybe surfed the mad energies like a wave and emerged a winner. Understand this well. There is some knowledge that drops down from the unknown — not knowledge in the strictest sense — more an intricate feeling, which lets you find your feet and change your tactics for those crazy moments.
This creative pause is essentially a mechanism to open yourself to your subconscious and soar in that space for brief durations — just the breathing time it needs — to understand the dynamics of the present crisis, analyse the situation and deliver an answer, without losing the energy of the moment.
The subconscious meshes its gears with our active mind, powering our thoughts, words and actions with a timing and logic of its own. But it’s a one-way street, it never permits you to access its own workings. The creative pause is something like a “subconscious on demand” — delivering that critical intuition or wisdom when you need it.
Pursue this not as a flash to be read and forgotten, pursue it till it delivers you at least three gifts. The first, an ability to “see yourself” in a moment of madness. The second, a gift of being able to “see the other” in a moment of madness, and the third is the gift of actually “knowing the moment”— that is using the madness to your advantage.
If you can access these three gifts, you have tapped a reserve of power that will transform your whole life.
I’ll say it slowly again. It’s about an ability to get a flash of insight where we see the current mental state of our being, soak in an instant the aura that emanates from someone we are dealing with, and feel the vibrations of the situation around us. It’s as if we have unleashed a sixth, seventh and eighth sense, which unwraps the hidden reality and gives us the space we need to come to terms with it.
If you had the ability to “see yourself”, you would have seen the desperation that drove you to make a stupid remark when no words were necessary, and you would have stopped short of saying it, or worded it differently. If you had “seen the other”, you would have seen a human being, warts and all, inside that sexy outfit and perfume, someone no different from you in wants, frustrations, and obsessions. You would have known that girls are as desperate as boys, only their desperation runs on a different plane — you would have sensed the plane it was running on at that instant. If you had “known the moment”, you would have flowed smoothly into it, perhaps lit a fire, perhaps not, but would have felt the glow inside regardless.
So how do you do all that? Hmm. I see I have your attention at last. Wait — at least till next week. Good things come to those who learn to wait.
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