Son gives a new lease of life to ailing father
One might have heard of parents donating their vital organs to their children, but children donating their organs to parents are something which is not much heard of. Coming out of the blue, is a city based 29-year-old Kiran who donated one of his kidneys to his 62 year old ailing father Jeevan, giving him a new lease of life. Jeevan Babu, a priest at the Church of South India had a kidney failure and apparently he did not have any symptoms until he underwent a renal check-up before undergoing cataract operation about 2 years ago. Jeevan said: “I had to undergo a renal check-up before my cataract operation, it was then the doctors diagnosed that both my kidney had failed. I did not realise that it would be so bad.The doctors at Manipal Hospital told me that life long dialysis or kidney transplant was the only option."
Meanwhile Jeevan went to KG Hospital, Coimbatore for second opinion and there too the doctors told him the same thing. “I came back to Bangalore and started undergoing dialysis for about 8 months. My son who was studying in the US after hearing about my condition came forward saying that he can donate one of his kidney. I was reluctant. But later, doctors also assured us that my son would be fine and then I got ready for transplant,” said Jeevan.
It has been two years now with the transplant, both of us are fine. Once in four months I have to go for check up, he further exhorted. An elated son Kiran Jeevan, currently working as Head of the Department of Social Work Department at St Joseph's College said: “It is out of love, respect and the sacrifice which my father had put in, this is just a small gesture. I am so happy that he is doing fine now.”
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