Big B blogs from hospital
I must say I’m very impressed with the Big B. Who isn’t, you ask? You’ve got a point! I mean the superstar is in hospital but still finds the time to tweet and update his blog everyday. I’m amazed at his will power and energy!
I mean he has had an abdominal surgery and is in deep pain. How do I know that? Like the rest of the world darlings, through his evening updates on Twitter and his early morning blog. He is almost 70 but look at his determination. While the rest of us ordinary mortals would be moaning and groaning with pain, the actor is keeping his fans in the loop every single day. Moreover his writing is lucid and his thoughts are coherent. Really, I truly believe this man has been doubly blessed by the universe! And I do hope he gets well soon love! No matter what the cynics say, he is the original superstar; the Khans are simply no competition!
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