Prop-ped up: Abhay
When it comes to his career, Abhay Deol may have taken the path less travelled (and good for him, we say), but while he has achieved a measure of success, Abhay says he still isn’t comfortable with the trappings of a life spent under the arc lights.
The dimpled Deol — whose older cousin will be seen hosting a reality TV show soon — could give professional clothes horses a complex with his insouciant style. But Abhay says he finds posing before the camera a task. “When I first joined the industry and had to do a photo shoot, I remember I was really awkward,” says Abhay. “Now, if I have a prop during a shoot, I’m at ease, otherwise I’m still as awkward,” he adds.
Now what props could Abhay possibly be referring to? The most we’ve seen him in photos with, apart from his clothes, is a hat!
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