Equity market is too risky for me
What was your very first investment and how did you get into it?
I recently invested in an apartment on Convent Road, which is in the heart of Bengaluru’s Central Business District. I am considering renting it out and toying with the idea of investing in a bigger place on the outskirts of Bengaluru, where I can live comfortably with my dogs. I am also putting my money in banks for a fixed period, which gives me fixed returns.
Who is your investment adviser?
I remember Dr Raj Kumar was one of the first people to advise me on how to invest my money, way back in 2006. When he heard that I spent most of my money on clothes, shoes, accessories, he advised me to invest in real estate and property and also offered to invest it for me. I wish I had heeded his advice then. But I was young, careless and had little foresight those days.
Do you read financial dailies and study the stock market?
I do read financial dailies to keep myself abreast of the latest news and information, but not for investment tips. I do not invest in the stock markets as I think it is too risky.
How would you describe yourself as an investor – conservative, adventurous, safe?
I am sorry that I did not start inves-ting earlier. I alw-ays lived for the day, and believ-ed that I need not worry as I had my parents to look out for me. Now I kno-w that I have to be independent and I am working towards it.
As told to Sangeetha Chengappa
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