Drinking never helped anyone, so quit asap
I have a long letter from an anguished father that ends with the words — “Please help me save my son.” Here is my reply to his son.
Friend, you are going for a total clampdown. Try not to take it hard. Here are the facts.
Create a positive energy field for happiness
Our emotions create a subtle energy field we project all around us. The field keeps changing according to our moods, our thoughts, our feelings.
Your inner voice of reason is your best friend
What’s the magic formula to keep your cool when things are boiling over, when your mind is screaming out, when you want to jump off a cliff, when you want to strike out at the person you once loved? Nothing. In truth, there is no formula.
Love that comes from deep within lasts a lifetime
A 13-year-old writes to me, “I have a boyfriend, but I don’t know if I am in love with him. Can you tell me if there is true love in this world, and how to find it?” Another 15-year-old writes saying — “When I was 13, a boy proposed to me. Thinking it would be fun to have a boyfriend I accepted. But I knew it wasn’t really love. Again when I was
Grumpy parents? Return their smiles
Why does my mother always have a grumpy look on her face? Why can’t she relax, laugh more and be friendly? — D
Why are parents so “not cool?” Why can’t they be chilled out like us? — TG
Trick kids into reading, and loving it too
How do you make a child, who has zero interest in reading anything other than SMSes, tweets, Facebook gooey and jackets of DVDs, start reading books for pleasure? How do you make water flow up river?