Hong Kong

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Riot police fire teargas to disperse protesters in China


Chinese riot police fired teargas to disperse a throng of protesters in a small town in southern China on Friday, the fourth day of demonstrations against the construction of a power station.


Hong Kong raises bird flu alert level, bans imports


Hong Kong raised its bird flu alert level to 'serious' on Tuesday and announced it is to cull 17,000 chickens after three birds tested positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of the virus.

The city's hea

Dollar rises after Kim Jong-Il's death


The dollar rose against other currencies on Monday following news that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il had died, which sparked worries over instability in the reclusive state.

The greenback gained gr

'Runaway millionare' to be extradited: report

A New Zealander who allegedly fled to China after millions of dollars were mistakenly deposited into his bank account will be extradited to face trial, a report said Tuesday.

A Hong Kong court agreed

Bharti Airtel: telecom market needs consolidation


Competition in India's mobile market will remain intense, with the overcrowded 15-player sector in need of consolidation to lift margins, a senior executive at market leader Bharti Airtel Ltd said on

Boeing Dreamliner makes first commercial flight

Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner made its first commercial flight on Wednesday, giving a handful of deep-pocketed passengers the chance to fly into history on what is touted as an aviation breakthrough.


Record $22m for Ming vase in HK

A blue-and-white Ming vase fetched nearly $22 million in Hong Kong on Wednesday, setting a new record at auction for porcelain from the ancient Chinese dynasty.

Pear-shaped 110-carat diamond to go under hammer


One of the world's largest diamonds, a pear-shaped 110.3-carat yellow rock, will go under the hammer in Geneva in November expecting to fetch about USD 15 million, an auction house said on Thursday.

Al-Qaeda hails ‘Arab Spring’ in 9/11 anniversary video

Al-Qaeda has released a video marking the anniversary of 9/11 which includes a message from its slain leader Osama bin Laden to the American people, monitoring group SITE Intelligence said on Tuesday.

ADB trims India's growth forecast


Asia's emerging economies will grow robustly into 2012, led once again by China, although troubles in the United States, Europe and Japan will clip their momentum, the Asian Development Bank said in a

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.