CIA may target Syrian extremists with drones: Report
The US Central Intelligence Agency is collecting information on Islamic radicals in Syria for possible lethal drone strikes against them at a later stage, according to a media report.
Poor weather delays return of astronauts
The return to earth of two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut from the International Space Station was delayed on Friday due to harsh conditions at the Kazakhstan landing site, the Russian s
US military member suing over Japan nuke disaster
US service members are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. For more than $ 2 billion on grounds the utility lied about the dangers of helping clean up the nuclear disaster that struck two years ago, a newspaper reported.
New-World Pope prefers bus
Pope Francis, barely 12 hours after his election, quietly left the Vatican early on Thursday to pray for guidance as he looks to usher a Roman Catholic Church mired in intrigue and scandal into a new age of simplicity and humility.
A book with pages the size of the eye of a needle has been printed in Japan, the publishing company said Wednesday, with each tiny page showing a microscopic flower.
Neanderthal brawn lost out to social brain
Neanderthals’ bigger eyes and bodies meant they had less brain space to dedicate to social networking, which may explain why they died out and Homo sapiens conquered the planet, a study said Wednesday.
Saudi executes 7 convicted of armed robbery: Witness
Saudi Arabia today executed seven men convicted of armed robbery despite last-minute appeals by international rights groups that their lives be spared, a witness in the southern city of Abha said.
PM warns of ‘consequences’ over Italian marines
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh warned Italy on Wednesday that there would be “consequences” unless it returned two of its marines who skipped bail while on trial in New Delhi for murder.
Death of Delhi gangrape suspect ‘major lapse’: Shinde
India’s home minister on Monday called the death of the main suspect in the New Delhi gangrape case a “major lapse”, which he promised would be investigated.
Japan anti-nuclear marches before tsunami anniversary
Anti-nuclear rallies took place across Japan today on the eve of the second anniversary of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster, urging Japan’s new government to abandon nuclear power.