Leaked 'rape' report sparks new Strauss-Kahn furor
Opposing lawyers disputed the meaning of a medical report that said 'rape' caused injuries sustained by the woman who has accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault.
Rebels say Tripoli encircled; Gaddafi defiant
Libyan rebels said on Monday they had seized a second strategic town near Tripoli within 24 hours, completing the encirclement of the capital in the boldest advances of their six-month uprising agains
Gaddafi defiant as rebels poised to strangle capital
Muammar Gaddafi urged Libyans on Monday to free the country from 'traitors', as rebels in the west began to strangle a major lifeline to his capital.
His broadcast appeal was made over a bad telephon
Real witches cry foul at portrayal on TV drama
Critics of bloody violence and excessive sex on TV have long had HBO’s vampire drama True Blood in their cross hairs, but now the popular series has another group of wary citizens — witches, real ones
American man kidnapped by assailants in Pakistan
Several assailants broke into a house in Pakistan's eastern city of Lahore in the pre-dawn hours on Saturday, overcame security guards and kidnapped a U.S. man identified as an international developme
Norway attacker returns to island, describes carnage
Norwegian police took gunman Anders Behring Breivik back to the island of Utoeya to stage a reconstruction of his slaughter of 69 people there three weeks ago.
In one of the photographs of the visit
Pregnant San Francisco woman killed by pit bull
A pregnant San Francisco area woman was killed by one of her pit bulls, her mauled body found by her husband, police said on Friday.
The 32-year-old woman was pronounced dead on Thursday afternoon at
Rape, mutilation: Pakistan's tribal justice for women
On April 14, two men entered Asma Firdous' home, cut off six of her fingers, slashed her arms and lips and then sliced off her nose. Before leaving the house, the men locked their 28-year-old victim i
'Grease Devil' panic grips rural Sri Lanka, at least three dead
Panic over nighttime assaults blamed on 'grease devils' has struck across rural Sri Lanka, leading to the deaths of at least three people this week, prompting women to stay indoors and men to arm them
China recalls bullet trains in new blow to technology
China's second-biggest train maker will recall 54 bullet trains used on the new showcase Beijing-Shanghai line for safety reasons, the firm said on Friday, dealing a fresh blow to the nation's scandal