Ali Abdullah Saleh

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American shot dead in Yemen: Security official

Two gunmen shot dead on Sunday a US citizen who worked at a language school in Yemen's second city of Taez, a security official said.

The assailants rode a motorbike in their attack on the man, who w

Successor to Yemen's Saleh sworn in


Longtime Yemeni vice-president Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi took the oath of office as president on Saturday ahead of formal handover of power by veteran strongman Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Hadi pledged to 'preser

Yemenis vote as Saleh's 33-year rule comes to end


Yemeni voters ended President Ali Abdullah Saleh's 33-year rule in a historic ballot on day, pinning hopes on a new leader faced with the massive task of rebuilding an impoverished and war-ravaged cou

Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh faces music after 33 years in power

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Ali Abdullah Saleh, who once compared his 33-year rule of Yemen to ‘dancing on the heads of snakes,’ formally steps down this week after Yemenis anoint a new president in an election many hope will gi

Yemen President Saleh arrives in US: Embassy


Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is due to step down next month, arrived in the United States on Saturday for medical treatment, an embassy spokesman in Washington said.

"President Saleh arr

US grants Yemeni leader a 'limited' medical visit


The United States on Sunday approved a visit from Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh for medical treatment but said it was with the understanding that he would stay only for a ‘limited time’.


Thousands of Yemenis protest against Saleh immunity

Thousands of Yemenis demonstrated on Thursday in several cities voicing their rejection of a Gulf Arab deal to grant President Ali Abdullah Saleh immunity from prosecution, witnesses said.

In the cap

Nobel winner says she wants to run for Yemen president but can't

Yemini 'Arab Spring' activist Tawakkol Karman, who received the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday, lamented that she could not stand as a candidate in her country's presidential elections in February.


Nobel winner says she wants to run for Yemen president but can't


Yemini 'Arab Spring' activist Tawakkol Karman, who received the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday, lamented that she could not stand as a candidate in her country's presidential elections in February.


Nobel winner says she wants to run for Yemen president but can't

Yemini 'Arab Spring' activist Tawakkol Karman, who received the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday, lamented that she could not stand as a candidate in her country's presidential elections in February.


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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.