16 lakh children below age 5 die each year in India
Being an Indian and below 5 years of age is a rather dangerous prospect right now. The odds seem to be piling up against Indian toddlers — a recent Unicef report has claimed that 16.55 lakh below-5 ki
16 lakh children below age 5 die each year in India
Being an Indian and below 5 years of age is a rather dangerous prospect right now. The odds seem to be piling up against Indian toddlers — a recent Unicef report has claimed that 16.55 lakh below-5 ki
Obesity at all time high among city kids
Childhood obesity among Chennai’s school-going children might have reached an all-time high.
However, on a brighter note, educating the kids and their parents about the hazards of being overweight m
37 kids critical, 2 more die at Tirupati hospital
A three-member team of paediatric experts from the Niloufer Hospital in Hyderabad rushed to Tirupati and examined the condition of over 100 infants at the SVRR Government Children’s Hospital here, on
Chile bans marketing of toys in children's food
McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and other fast-food companies are being accused in Chile of violating the country's new law against including toys with children's meals.
These and other companies are k
Girl child not the favoured ones!
The gradual fall in the birth rate of girl children in the district indicates an alarming signal of the impending unhealthy imbalance in sex ratio in the near future.
According to the 2011 census and
Govt comes out with draft national policy for children
Ensuring survival, health and nutrition as an inalienable right of every child and special care for kids caught in sectarian violence are some of the features of the government's Draft National Policy
Children with club foot will walk again
Children with club foot and from underprivileged sections of society have now hopes of finding a permanent cure. BMM ISPAT Ltd, in association with Sanjeevini Hospital, has come up with “Anurag”, an o
Tasmac shop threat to kids
The Tasmac shop on the arterial G.A Road in Old Washermanpet has become a haven for drunks who often pick up quarrels and disturb others. Over 5,000 students have to pass by the shop daily to reach lo
India fares poorly in child well-being
India fares poorly among middle-income countries when it comes to overall well-being of children even as the world witnessed significant progress in child health, education and nutrition during the la