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Chinese dissident Chen arrives in US


Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng began a new life in the United States on Saturday, drawing a line under a month-long diplomatic saga that embarrassed Beijing and tested ties between the world s

China developing internet for offensive operations: Pentagon


China is improving its capacity for operations in cyberspace and developing capabilities to use Internet for offensive operations, the Pentagon said on Friday.

"China is investing in not only capabi

China activist Chen Guangcheng says he is at Beijing airport


Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng said on Saturday he was at Beijing's international airport and that he believed he would be flying to New York.

"I'm at the airport. I do not have a passport. I

China's e-shopping market to be world's biggest


Online shopping transactions in China will surpass those in Japan in 2012 and the US by 2013 to become the world's top most, a report has forecast.

The China Business Development Report Forecast (201

Trapped miner found alive after 17 days

In a miraculous escape, a miner has been found alive 17 days after being trapped underground following a coal mine flood in China's Heilongjiang province, Xinhua reported.

Rescuers said the man, who

US confirms Chen Guangcheng has left China with family


Blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng left China for the United States with his family on Saturday, the US State Department said.

"We can confirm that Chen Guangcheng, his wife and two children have

China jails fugitive smuggling king for life


A Chinese court on Friday handed a life sentence to Lai Changxing, the head of a vast smuggling operation who spent 12 years on the run in Canada before being deported in 2011, state media said.


China reacts cautiously to over 500 transgressions remark

Reacting guardedly to India's assertion of over 500 transgressions by Chinese troops along LAC in the past two years, China on Friday said it is committed to implement agreements to ensure peace at bo

China blind activist to get passport 'within 15 days'


Blind activist Chen Guangcheng said on Thursday China had agreed to issue him a passport within 15 days, allowing him to go to the United States, after a bitter row between Beijing and Washington.


Chinese are 8 years older than real age

A survey in China has found the Chinese are ageing faster. An average Chinese is 8.2 years older than his or her real age while men have a poorer health than women.

According to Pingan Insurance, a m

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.