A true liar
“My dad has an uncanny ability to read my mind like a book, especially when I am trying to get away with a bluff. How is he doing this? Is there anything I can do to escape detection?”
— a teenager.
It pays to pay heed to feminine intuition
L ots of mothers want their daughters to know more about last week’s “Spinster Formula”. Hmm. To be fair, there is a clear difference between a spinster and a bachelor girl. The latter remains unmarried out of choice. She prefers aloneness and is truly happy.
Say ‘Yes’ to saying ‘No’
The most powerful word in any language is ‘No’. The difference between a ‘No’ and a ‘Yes’ is simply this — a Yes may have the power to make your life but a No has the power to prevent your life from being broken.
So a No is far more important than a Yes — for before you start to make your life, you have to stop it from being broken up.
Be careful what you wish for
I was born stupid and non-creative. I have nothing original to say about anything and it hurts.”
— a teenager
Be careful what you wish for
I was born stupid and non-creative. I have nothing original to say about anything and it hurts.”
— a teenager
How to tackle the green-eyed monster
I am all J over the way my ex-GF is making out with another guy and burning up with rage from weeks. Cant think of anything else. Help. — A teenager.
Rape isn’t about sex; it’s violence
The news is full of outraged people asking for justice, but I think no one is looking into the real causes. Why are girls getting sexually assaulted or molested in such numbers all across India? Has anyone looked into long-term solutions? What’s the truth of the matter?
— A teenager from New Delhi.
Make life feel wanted
I look at the mirror and don’t know what to say. Give me one reason to smile at my age.
— A reader who is in his late 70s and full of apprehensions.
Self-denial makes you stronger
My dad is so irritating. He tells us to have cold water baths in winter. He tells us to skip a meal sometimes. It’s very irritating when someone talks like that. Let him do all those things, I mean, why is he forcing it on us?
Rachna, 15 years
The dawn of a new awakening
Of what use are these dresses, sweets and crackers when I know there are so many children my age who don’t even have clothes to wear? And you know what I asked my dad? I said, “Daddy…”
— A nine-year-old writes on, shaming a whole lot of us.