Over 100 killed in Quran burning protests
Over 100 people have died in violence in Afghanistan's southern city of Kandahar, sparked by protests against a US pastor's burning of the holy Quran, officials said on Sunday.
Fighting was going on
Muslim mob burn Indonesia churches
Temanggung: A Muslim mob burned churches and clashed with police in Indonesia on Tuesday as they demanded the death penalty for a Christian man convicted of blaspheming against Islam, police said.
Pardon prisoners who memorise Quran
Kuwait’s Endowments and Islamic Affairs ministry has said that prisoners who can memorise the Quran might be eligible for the annual pardon.
The decision will be part of efforts to rehabilitate inmat
School kid booked for blasphemy
Karachi: A schoolboy has been arrested and slapped with charges of blasphemy here for writing derogatory remarks on his answer sheets against the Prophet, a media report stated on Sunday.
The case ha
Muslim girl out of game for headscarf
London: A Muslim girl in the US was forced to sit out the first half of a basketball game after a referee decided that her headscarf posed a safety risk.
Maheen Haq, 12, of Hagerstown, Maryland, was
Imams boycott weddings with DJs
Muzaffarnagar: In view of a ban imposed by Muslim clerics on use of Disc Jockeys (DJs) by community members during weddings, hundreds of imams in the district have decided to keep away from marriages
Muslim scholars to look into abuse of blasphemy law
Karachi: A group of Muslim religious scholars in Pakistan have said they would form a committee to look into the misuse of the controversial blasphemy law, amid accusations that it was being used to