Yoshihiko Noda

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Japan PM reshuffles cabinet, names new finance minister


Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda reshuffled his cabinet on Monday, naming Koriki Jojima, a senior member of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), as new finance minister.

Foreign Minister

Asia-Pacific leaders call for unity


Asia-Pacific leaders called on Saturday for unity in tackling a raft of economic challenges, as an annual summit began amid deep divisions over worsening territorial disputes and other rows.

Summit h

Japan to buy islands disputed with China: Reports


Japan's government has agreed to buy a group of islands at the centre of a territorial dispute with China, reports said Wednesday, a move likely to prove a further irritant in a tense relationship.


Japan PM to face confidence vote


Japan's Prime Minister looked set to survive a no-confidence motion on Thursday after reaching an 11th hour deal with a major opposition party over his much-cherished sales tax bill.

Yoshihiko Noda a

Japan PM orders nuclear restart: Reports


Japan ordered nuclear reactors back online Saturday, defying public sentiment against atomic power following last year's meltdowns at Fukushima sparked by the quake-tsunami, reports said.

Prime Minis

Former Tepco chief to be grilled over Fukushima disaster


The former president of Fukushima plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co faces questioning for the first time on Friday by a high profile investigative panel seeking to uncover the causes of the world

China spy cloud threatens Japan minister: Report


A spy scandal involving a Chinese diplomat working at the embassy in Tokyo looks set to cost a Japanese cabinet minister his job, a report said on Thursday.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will sack hi

Japan expected to pass $1.1 trillion budget


Japan was expected to pass a 90.3 trillion yen ($1.1 trillion) budget on Thursday, with about half the spending financed by new bonds that will add to Japan's massive debt mountain.

The country's rul

Japan mourns tsunami dead; grapples with aftermath


With a minute of silence, prayers and anti-nuclear rallies, Japan marks on Sunday the first anniversary of an earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands and set off a radiation crisis that shattered

Japan PM shuffles cabinet to rescue tax hike plan

Japan's premier on Friday reshuffled his cabinet just four months into the job as he looks to rescue plans to raise the sales tax and dig the country out from under its mountain of debt.

Yoshihiko No

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I want to begin with a little story that was told to me by a leading executive at Aptech. He was exercising in a gym with a lot of younger people.

Shekhar Kapur’s Bandit Queen didn’t make the cut. Neither did Shaji Karun’s Piravi, which bagged 31 international awards.