AIEEE centres in remote areas
Students who took up All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) online test on Monday complained that students had lot of difficulty in reaching the test centres in the city as most of them were in suburbs.
Satish, a student who took up the online examination said that he had opted to take up the test in the morning session faced tough time to find the private higher education institute.
“The address printed in the admit card did not carry the full address of the institution. We had to run from pillar to post to find out the college and also we had to pay more than Rs 150 for auto.
As the auto drivers know that we are new to the locality they took us for a ride”, he said.
Another student who did not want to be named said that even though the test was easy the tension he had in finding the exam venue made it difficult for him to take up the examination.
“As I went all around the suburb in finding this private company where the test has been arranged I lost over an hour and the golden moments used to revise what we have studied.
So I request CBSE, which organises the test to select exam venues inside the city so that students can find the centre easily and write the test without any hassle”, he said.
There were also reports of computers logging off during examination in some centres.
Abhishek, an AIEEE aspirant, said that the Physics paper was tricky and tough as it was logic based and Mathematics was easy.
The exam’s morning session started at 9 am and went on upto 12 pm and the afternoon session begun at 2 pm and concluded at 5 pm with two papers consisting objective type questions.
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