Madras iit hostel students protest
A section of students residing in IIT’s hostel on the campus went on hunger strike Thursday evening alleging bad quality of food being served by a private caterer in the hostel mess.
“We usually have two hostel messes in our institute and a mega mess — Himalaya. Last year there were three caterers in Himalaya mess but this year we have only one private caterer,” an IITian said on condition of anonymity.
Pointing out that the council of wardens had shutdown two hostel messes as several students had vacated rooms for vacation, another student said that those who stayed back in the institute were forced to dine in Himalaya hostel run by the private caterer, which lacked quality.
Students say that they had a meeting with Prof. Prakash M Maiya, CCW chairman Thursday evening, and as the IIT administration failed to resolve the issue they went on a hunger fast.
When this newspaper contacted Prof. L.S. Ganesh, dean (students), IIT Madras, for his comments, he said the administration had taken note of the issue and was ready to resolve it.
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