TN students seek better toilets, amenities in schools
All schools should have proper toilets and child-friendly classrooms. Lush playgrounds and spotless noon-meal centres are a must.
These were some of the suggestions put forth by a group of child representatives from Chennai, Theni and Madurai, who assembled in the city press club on Friday, to announce their wishlist for the 12th five-year Plan.
Jointly organised by the Tamil Nadu planning commission and Unicef, the programme provided schoolchildren a platform to voice out their concerns. Roaring into the mike, 14-year-old Tamilsevi, a class 10 student from Madurai, said, “We need more toilets.
If children are expected to score high marks, they should be provided safe, nutritious food and a good campus to play in.” She added that there were incidents of discrimination against dalit children that had to be addressed immediately.
The kids pointed out that though the government allots huge funds for the welfare of children, the money is not used efficiently at the ground level. They said even now, in many schools, children are forced to clean toilets. They want classes in extracurricular subjects like music and arts.
“We need good quality uniforms. We would be more interested in our lessons if textbooks were colourful and well-illustrated,” says another representative, class 12 student Rebecca from Theni.
Other suggestions of the children included free and compulsory education, setting up of children’s councils and educational loan facilities for refugee children.
Unicef communication specialist Sugata Roy said nearly 40 per cent of the country’s population was in the 0-18 age group. Government should frame policies considering them.
Over 50 children, representing the federation of children movements for rights to participation from all districts had consultations from May 6 to 8 at nearby Thirukazhukundram.
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