Are you a winner or loser?
e’ve been talking about intention all along, and how you need to prepare yourself to be able to harness its power to alter reality around you. Before we discuss its secrets I need to know who you are. I’ll put it simply — are you a winner or a loser? You don’t know? Well, read on.
A winner is a guy who knows he hasn’t won till he has actually won. A loser is a guy who has won long before victory is in sight. A winner has his head in the clouds and his feet firmly in the ground, a loser has his feet in the clouds and his head in an imaginary world only he knows all about.
A true winner goes into his personal battlefield without expecting to win, even prepared to lose, only not prepared to lose his honour in the process.
The loser has already won inside his head, he has already spent the millions he was going to earn inside his head, he has surrounded himself in a fake world.
Ironically, between a loser and a winner, a loser is much more focused on winning. He is so focused that he assumes he has already won and prepares to spend the rewards well before he gets a penny. Losers are guys who think they are mighty winners till the shock of reality hits their faces. The end result is a foregone conclusion and so the inevitable struggle to reach out to success is often sacrificed. Winners on the other hand, have forecasted their defeat, have prepared a plan B, have figured out how to go about their lives in the event of failure.
Winners, are most conscious of impending failure, while losers are most conscious of onrushing success.
The spirit of the loser is not that he doesn’t want to win or that he doesn’t win, but that he somehow manages to let go all the fruits of his victory and slip back into a depressed state of defeat in a short time. The spirit of the winner is not that he doesn’t lose, but
that he somehow manages to slip laterally, find something else to do, go someplace else where he can win, or somehow convert his defeat into a small victory, or at least learn enough not to lose the next time round. Make no mistake in presuming that the
winner does not believe that he can win. On the
contrary, with his eyes set on victory, he embraces the reality that failure could manifest itself despite all efforts.
The winner wins because his whole mind is available to him to do the task on hand. The loser loses because most of his mind has wandered away basking in an afterglow.
As a loser progresses in life, he slowly becomes more and more disconnected from reality and retreats into his self-created world where he is safe, he is the king, he is vastly successful. No matter what life throws in his direction, a loser seeks comfort in his world of perfection, one which is often far from the truth and one which he believes is the only way to be. Whenever someone forces him to face the truth, he will mutter to himself: “Wait till I become a billionaire, I will make you beg for forgiveness and make you go on your knees in shame” or some such bewildering stuff.
A loser slowly loses the need to live in the real world. His own imaginary world is too good and kind whereas the real world is too harsh and unforgiving. A winner is a real person in the real world. Even when he dreams, he imagines only that which he can manifest into reality someday. I want you to know that you cannot harness the power of intention if you are even half a loser. Only winners can harness intention. It’s not for nothing that Aesop said, “God helps only those who help themselves”.
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