Be the ruler of your kingdom of mind
This is the last column in the series on fear. Any discussion on subliminal mental processes can quickly sound complex and difficult, so I will try and wrap it up as simply as I can.
This much is clear — you are not your mind. Then who or what is the mind? Good question. Mind can be many things — depending on what ‘you’ want it to be. Ideally it should become a wonderfully subtle instrument that throws up all options at any given moment for ‘you’ to decide and make a choice.
The ultimate power to feel any particular emotion or thought should be up to ‘you’ — the mind should just think it all through and present ‘you’ what’s available. However, it doesn’t happen that way. Mostly the mind takes over the entire kingdom of ‘your’ being and randomly calls the shots, makes ‘you’ its slave and subjects ‘you’ to a persistent torture that can range from mild and infrequent to manic and depressive.
Let’s not even talk of manic and depressive here. In the cases of mild torment — the mind shoves up accumulated fears inside ‘you’ and ensures ‘you’ never get back to ‘your’ original pure state. That’s the price it extracts when ‘you’ lose ‘your’ independence to it. Now who is ‘you’? The notion of ‘you’ is an ever enduring mystery.
Let’s call it an irreducible axiom of existence. I called it as a floating fragment of consciousness, but even that is essentially saying nothing.
‘You’ defies expression. ‘You’ just exists. Philosophers call ‘you’ as the soul, some say ‘you’ were never born, never will die, others say that ‘you’ are an expression of the ‘infinite’. Sounds very grand and totally confusing. Whoever ‘you’ may ultimately turn out to be — what’s really important is that ‘you’ should regain identity and return as the king of ‘your’ internal kingdom of mind. Currently ‘you’ are like an outlaw on the run, and those fears are foot soldiers of the mind who chase ‘you’ and keep ‘you’ out of power.
So how do ‘you’ come back and claim the kingdom? That’s the essential question.
If you have followed the argument clearly thus far more than half the problem is already solved.
In the case of ‘you’ Vs. mind — thinking clearly is just a half step away from acting decisively. Crown yourself as the king immediately.
State that all emotions will be felt only if you permit it to be felt. Tell the mind to get back to its original role as advisor and counselor. Pass a decree that henceforth all fears will present themselves stark and bare in front of you for inspection. Each time you inspect a fear, embrace it and calm it down. You will be embracing a little child who looked like you did — you will tell that child there is no further need to be afraid — ever again. Like all rulers, stay aware of potential threats to your sovereignty at all times. When threatened, act positively and instantly. In time, the mind will settle down as the super smart and capable counsellor it always was and allow you to rule freely.
That’s as easy as it actually sounds. Better believe it. Better still — try it.
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