It doesn’t hurt to be a dancing star to find a date
Over the years, several western dance styles have gained lot of popularity in India. Due to this boom, dance studios have also mushroomed all over India in many metros. Most of them organise dance parties and that extend to a bigger dance festival. This trend too has made several dance festivals famous.
But if you ever visit any of the dance parties and festivals, you will realise that all students coming there are not there to practice their dance skills; many come there to look for dates. They treat dance parties in a way they would do when out at nightclubs, hoping to find a date.
I personally feel they take dance as a medium to look for dates. It is surely disrespectful towards dance as an art, but then I do not consider them as dance lovers at all as their approach towards learning to dance is wrong from the start.
They do not seem to find a date in their normal lives so dance parties are a way to get them. My suggestion to all those people who show that they love dance and actually don’t is to get their personality more attractive so that they can find their dates easily, this way the dance floor and the dance parties will be free from the so called dance lovers.
It takes more than just great dancing skills to woo a woman, but having the moves of a dancing star doesn’t hurt either. If you have been languishing at dance parties hoping for a woman to return your seductive glance, there must be something you are doing wrong. With science on your side, thankfully reconstructing your face is not the only option. Here are five ways researchers have proven that will have women going gaga over you.
Attitude matters:
A woman can determine what kind of relationship you are looking for from your attitude. If you smile a lot and are a warmer person during a date, women take that as an indicator that you are looking for a long-term relationship. So if you are dating a woman for the long haul, be nice. The contrary is true too.
A study showed women photographs of men who seemed disinterested and distracted during a date. The men who look like they don’t care were picked by those women who were looking for a fling. So if you are looking for a great night out with a woman, just be sure to be a little moody.
Smell nice: The scent of a man is surely known to work its charm on women. But studies say that you should not overdo it. The study in question has found that women subconsciously determine whether a man is genetically compatible with her through her sense of smell. So, in order to woo a woman who you think is attractive, you should wear a light cologne so that your natural odour can come through. That does not translate into not taking bath before a date.
Well-defined jaw: Not everyone is born with a Hrithik Roshanesque jaw line. Thank god for facial hair. Researchers have found that women who are in the most fertile phase of their cycle prefer men with chiseled jaw lines. Men with weak chins can use facial hair to give your face more definition.
V for victory:
Most men know of the 0.7 waist to hip ratio that is supposed to set men’s toungues wagging. Research has shown that women too have a number on their mind. Studies have shown that the women love V shaped bodies on men, and the ideal waist-to-hip ratio is between 0.9 to 1. Now, to achieve this in the long run, you need to hit the gym. But if you are too lazy, or work takes up too much of your time, try using your clothes to do the same. The easiest way to make is to fake it. So, don’t buy suits off the shelf, get them tailored to give the impression that you have broader shoulders. To slim your torso, try v-neck tops.
It’s all in the symmetry:
Studies say that women don’t really care if a man has facial hair or not, as long as you stick to your look. Like with everything else, this too points a primeval understanding of the opposite sex. A man who is symmetrical looking, is considered to be a healthier mate. Play around with your facial hair, but keep things even. If you are going for a clean shaven look, be sure not to keep patches of hair on your face, or if you have a goatee, shave off the surrounding hair. The point is to balance both the halves of your face. For the more adventurous, try tweezing your eyebrows. It will hurt, but science says it’s worth the pain.
So go ahead and do all that you can to improve your personality, but I request all of you not to fake your love for dance. A dance floor is not meant to attract dates, it is a temple for art lovers and if you wish to get a date improve yourself and your attitude, you will find a date without being on the dance floor.
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