Growing dengue cases cause concern
With 54 fresh cases reported on Wednesday, the total number of dengue cases in the capital reached 530, raising questions over the ability of the civic agencies to check the spread of the disease in time for the Common-wealth Games. The fact that the incidence of dengue tends to go up in the month of September and continues till the better part of October, which is the time when the Games are going to be held, can only worsen the situation.
A dengue awareness and prevention programme was launched by the Asian Institute of Medical Sciences. The hospital has organised a preview of its facilities and full preparedness to deal with dengue cases reported from Delhi and the surrounding NCR areas.
Dr N.K. Pandey, chief surgeon, Chairman & MD, AIMS, said, “It is essential to promote dengue awareness and dengue prevention camps in Delhi, NCR regions. 50-100 million dengue fever infections per year are reported globally. We at AIMS are fully prepared to deal with the dengue virus. We have made special arrangements to treat dengue patients.”
Elaborating on the dengue virus, Dr R.V.S, Bhalla, senior consultant, internal medicine, AIMS, said: “Heavy monsoons have led to water-logging and a fall in temperature. This may lead to a rise in dengue cases.” He said that the “most dreaded presentation of dengue is the dengue shock syndrome which requires ICU care. If not treated in time, it can be fatal.”
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