Inmates for open jail at Tihar
At least 350 inmates of the Tihar Central Jail have written to the Delhi government seeking open jail system, something which has been followed in many states.
Tihar jail spokesperson Sunil Gupta said that the facility has been attempted by many states. It is a huge success in Rajasthan, but it is for the prisoners who are not considered to be part of the high-risk category, he said. He added that at least 350 inmates have requested the government to adopt this system.
Of the total 1,328 prisons in India, only 27 have adopted open jail system, in which the inmates are allowed to live with their families, go to work and pay taxes. Rajasthan, Mahara-shtra, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab have adopted this system.
“Neither are there any high walls or any visible security. The convict residents live with their families, cook their own food, have television, coolers and refrigerators and even their own vehicles. But an eye is kept on their activities,” said Mr Gupta. He added that the inmates have requested for this system to be tried out in the New Mandoli complex or in jail No. 7 of the Tihar prison complex.
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