Love is cured by a dose of marriage
What is failure according to you?
When you stop trying to be successful.
Were films your only obsession in your childhood?
My first obsession was with reading fiction and then I moved on to study real life violence and its effects and then I got obsessed with supernatural elements and then I got obsessed with the beauty of women and then, one day, sitting in a bar, having a vodka, the sudden wisdom dawned on me that all my obsessions could be amalgamated into that sexy thing called cinema — and I haven’t stopped making films since.
Isn’t Psychology more useful than Philosophy?
Psychology is to con others, Philosophy to con ourselves.
Why do you keep taking risks? Where do you get the courage from?
If there’s an island I want to reach, I just jump into the water knowing that either I will learn to swim or drown. But I do not wish to stand on the bank, worrying.
Why does success go to people’s heads?
That’s because success has no meaning unless it goes to one’s head and also the successful person doesn’t realise that it has gone to his head till it slides down to his feet!
How do you manage to make all your answers sound so ridiculously entertaining?
That’s because many a time I blurt out stark naked truths and truth by nature is both ridiculous and entertaining. And then, when I lie, I make it sound like the truth — which makes it sound even more ridiculous and even more entertaining.
What is love?
It’s a highly infectious, dangerous disease that can only be cured with a strong medicine called marriage.
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