Max your gym time
Now that you’ve signed up for an annual membership at that swanky gym, bought those fabulous running shoes and stocked up on stylish fitness gear, hitting the treadmill every day is no longer a slog but a luxury.
But somewhere along the line, with the pressures of work and the demands of a hectic lifestyle, working out takes a backseat and when you find you are left with just 30 minutes, or less, at the gym, it’s time to put those time management skills into practice.
Fitness experts believe that even a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes in the gym works well on a daily basis. Althea Shah, fitness expert and GM, operations, of a leading gym, says, “Ideally one must workout three days on cardio-vascular conditioning and three days on weight training. To save time at the gym — take shorter breaks and select exercises that don’t tire you easily.”
Keeping the basics in mind during a time crunch is a must. “Never ever forget to warm up and cool down, even if you can manage just two minutes for each. When you’re pressed for time, go in for a high-intensity exercise, run on the treadmill for seven minutes at high speed. Follow this with some work on the elliptical trainer or even the rower for an average of another seven minutes. Use the rest of the time to do a bit of weight training or floor exercises on alternate days,” says Miriam John, a fitness consultant.
Experts point out that one can supplement a short workout in the gym by adopting methods like, “Taking the stairs to work, doing a few household chores, etc. These are just small activities, but they complement your routine in the gym. And yes, follow a healthy diet,” she adds.
A healthy life is a mix of eating right, working out and positive affirmations.
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