Men just get less than 3 hrs of orgasm in their lifetime
A man gets just an average of less than three hours of orgasm throughout his lifetime, according to China Press. Orgasm is the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitement.
Singapore Gleneagles Hospital gynaecologist Dr Fang Zhuang Wei said that due to busy lifestyles these days, couples were only sexually active before and immediately after their marriage, reports the Star Online.
For instance, he said if a man had an average orgasm of about 2.5 seconds over 40 years (from age 18 to 58), and had sex twice weekly with his wife, he would enjoy two hours, 53 minutes and 20 seconds of orgasm in his lifetime.
According to a Chinese online media report, if a man can live up to 78 years old and has a 2.02 seconds of orgasm each time he has sex, doctors in China estimated the man would have 16 hours of orgasm in total.
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