Bloom keeping movie costumes for sons
Actor Orlando Bloom has starred in numerous historical films, such as The Three Musketeers, Kingdom of Heaven and the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and he intends to preserve as many of his outfits as he can for his six-month-old baby Flynn, his first child with wife Miranda Kerr. He said, “When I worked on The Three Musketeers. I embraced all of it. I think that getting dressed up and stuff (I love a frock) really informs what you’re doing. The boots are staying, and the costumes, too. That’s definitely a fancy dress outfit one day down the line, probably for my son.” Orlando has mostly played heroic and courageous characters on the big screen, and he admits it was great to play villain the Duke of Buckingham in The Three Musketeers, which also stars Milla Jovovich and Christoph Waltz.
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