New initiatives to help excise vigilance
The state excise department has launched new initiatives to strengthen its vigil on the liquor retailers as well as illicit brewing. For the first time, the department decided to allocate funds individually for each of its police stations, enabling the staff to improve their functioning, in particular the mobility. Excise commissioner Samir Sarma took a decision in this regard following a representation made by the excise staff.
The excise personnel were up in arms against the Anti Corruption Bureau raids and blamed the lack of funds for the sorry state of affairs. There are 346 excise police stations, 53 excise superintendent offices, 23 enforcement wings and 23 offices for deputy commissioners. The department also decided to get budget released for six months instead of the present practice of quarterly release. “All the units will be given about Rs 20 crore in the first six months and additional funds would be arranged if required,” additional director Vysampayan said.
The amounts will be utilised by the excise police for hiring of vehicles, purchase of fuel, travel allowances and utility bills. The commissioner also released Rs 64 lakh for payment of ex-gratia to the kin of toddy tappers who died while tapping toddy. In the first phase, the ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh each will be given to 32 families. A compensation of Rs one lakh each will also be paid in the event of permanent disability, the official added.
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