One recruitment test to hire teachers next year
Teacher Eligibility and Selection Test (TEST), a single recruitment test, will be conducted for appointment of teachers from next year. At present, candidates have to appear for the DSC teacher recruitment exam and the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) separately to secure teaching jobs in government schools. Releasing the results of DSC-2012 at the Secretariat on Sunday, the minister for secondary education, Mr K. Parthasaradhy, said the new test will save lakhs of candidates from appearing for multiple tests for the same posts.
“We have released only the DSC written test results now. The final merit list will be prepared after the announcement of TET results soon as 20 per cent weightage has to be given for DSC marks. The merit list will be sent to the respective district collectors,” the minister said. Appointment letters for nearly 30,000 selected candidates will be issued in a month as directed by the CM recently, he said. The government has notified 21,343 posts under DSC for which over 3 lakh candidates have applied. The state government also conducted a written test to fill 7,100 posts in Centre-sponsored model schools coming up in all mandals next year that offer CBSE syllabus in English medium from Class VIII to XII in residential schools. Nearly 95,000 candidates have applied for these posts.
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