Astrologers predict great changes in year 2012
It is an astonishing fact that two ancient calendars of completely different cultures predict major events taking place in 2012.
While interpretations of prophecies going by the Mayan calendar say the year 2012 could be a cataclysmic one in which the world may end, Hindu calendars that began roughly at the same time some 5,000 years ago predict a golden age beginning in 2012.
While the emergence of a new world order, rather than an apocalyptic destruction as some make it out to be, is thought to be a Mayan prediction, Hindu astrologers aver that a golden age that is part of the kali-yuga prophecy (at the end of which the world as we know it is also supposed to end) is likely to begin this year.
City astrologers, basing their predictions on the ancient Hindu scriptures they have learnt, aver that Lord Krishna’s golden age will begin this year.
“There could be major changes in Delhi end of January as Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting each other (seeing each other). Jupiter is moving from Aries to Taurus in May, when things will hugely improve for India, while many other countries will face problems,” says Chennai-based astrologer-researcher S. Ramachandran.
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