‘Firing in two stages’
In the first round of firing during the alleged fake Ishrat encounter case, accused Gujarat cops, including Tarun Barot and Mohan Kalswa, exhausted their ammunition and stopped firing. For the second round of firing, Barot and Kalswa forcibly took away the weapons of I.K. Chauhan and started firing at the detainees.
While detailing how many round were fired, and by whom, the CBI in its chargesheet said, “While Mohan Kalaswa fired a total of 42 rounds..., another accused Gujarat cop —Anaju Jiman — fired a total of 10 rounds on Ishrat and three others.” Mohan Kalasawa allegedly fired an AK-56 assault rifle allegedly provided by the Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau, a unit of the Intelligence Bureau, at the official police Gypsy carrying the detainees.
Two police officers of the team that executed the encounter — I.K. Chauhan and commando Mohan Nanji — had refused to fire upon the four victims, following which Mohan Kalasawa and Tarun Barot snatched their weapons and shot the victims dead, sources said. It is believed that Chauhan and Nanji have become witnesses for the CBI in the case.
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