India-Myanmar ratify mutual legal assistance treaty
In an effort to curb cross border illegal activities, India and Myanmar have ratified the mutual legal assistance treaty on criminal matters.
Union home secretary Gopal K Pillai and Myanmar deputy minister for home affairs U Phone Swe signed the protocol of exchange for the treaty at the conclusion of the 16th home secretary-level meeting between India and Myanmar here last night.
Action against insurgent groups along the international border, strengthening of intelligence sharing mechanism, arms smuggling and drugs trafficking were discussed during the talks.
The meeting discussed the concern on activities of Indian insurgent groups operating along Indo-Myanmar border and the ways to deal with them.
Sources said India sought cooperation from Myanmar on the issue.
Issues relating to border management and border trade were also discussed in the meeting.
A proposal to set up an institute to impart Myanmarese and English language skills to soldiers of the two countries was also discussed threadbare.
According to the proposal, Indian security forces guarding the Indo-Myanmar border would be taught Myanmarese while Myanmarese soldiers would be taught English to remove the language problem and better co-ordination at the ground level.
India and Myanmar share a 1,643-km border.
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