‘Molested’ woman held for hurting man
A case has been registered against the woman who alleged molestation by the drivers of the chief minister, for allegedly fracturing the hand of her neighbour. Her mother and brothers were also with her. On June 1, a woman had alleged that the drivers of the CM, Jagdish Kumar Vashishth and Rajesh Kumar, had molested the woman and
her friend and asked them to drink beer and sit in the car. She recorded the whole episode on her mobile phone and complained it to the police. The police had registered a case against the drivers under the IPC. Their gypsy was taken in police custody. The media also covered the report intensively.
After that, when the media reached there to talk to her. During such a session, their neighbour tried to tell the media that the whole area is fed-up of the woman and that her allegations are false. However, he was refrained from giving any bite. But after the media left, the woman along with her brother and her mother beat him and broke his arm. Hem Kumar reported this to the police, following which the police has arrested the woman, her mother and brothers.
Hem Kumar and his wife have two sons.
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