New 5-digit numbers for trains
Beginning on Monday, all trains in the country will be sporting a five-digit number instead of the four-digit one they’re currently identified with. The railways says the five-digit numbering system is being introduced in order to make it “scientific, logical and computer-friendly”.
Moreover, the railways said that the five-digit numbering will also help create a “train number” which in turn will give each train a national identity.
NCP ministers in Goa refuse to step down
Panaji, Dec. 19: A day after asking them to resign from the Cabinet for their alleged hobnobbing with the Congress legislator in the state, both the Nationalist Congress Party ministers from Goa have refused to step down.
Revenue minister Jose Philip D’Souza and tourism minister Nilkant Halarnkar were asked to resign from the state Cabinet by party’s Goa unit president Surendra Sirsat on Saturday.
Indian, 27,abducted in S. Africa freed
Thiruvananthapuram, Dec. 19: Nidhin Baby, a 27-year old Indian who was abducted in South Africa December 13, has been released, the office of Leader of the Opposition in Kerala Oommen Chandy said. Mr Chandy’s office said they received a call from South Africa, where a group of Keralites were actively negotiating for his release. Nidhin was kidnapped on Monday when he was returning from Johannesburg. —IANS
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