‘Cool’ Kagan prepares for last day of questions
US Supreme Court nominee El-ena Kagan, who has displa-yed a cool demeanour and a sense of humour during her Senate confirmation hearing, was expected to move one step closer on Wednesday to becoming the fourth woman to serve on the nation’s highest court. Ms Kagan manoeuvred carefully on Tuesday through tough Republican questioning on military recruitment at Harvard Law School, gun owners’ rights and free speech, giving little ground to critics and drawing strong praise from Senate Democrats who command the votes to confirm her. President Barack Obama’s nominee soldiered through her second day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in good shape to win Senate approval.
Court asked to overturn crucifix ban
Strasbourg, June 30: The Italian government on Wednesday launched an appeal in the European Court of Human Rights to overturn a ban on crucifixes in the classrooms of public schools.
The case against crucifixes was brought by Soile Lautsi, an Italian mother, who believes her children have a right to a secular education under Italy’s Constitution.
In November 2009, the Strasbourg court endorsed the woman’s claim, saying parents should be able to raise their children as they wish.
The court said placing crucifixes in the classroom violated parents rights and was counter to right to freedom of religion.
By arrangement with AKI
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