Gay duo who had twins via Indian gets parenting right
Melbourne, Jan. 22: An Australian gay couple, who had twin girls born through an Indian surrogate mother, has won a major legal case earning them the parenting rights here.
The 20-month-old girls were born in Mumbai to a woman who carried eggs from an anonymous donor impregnated with sperm from one of the men, Herald Sun reported on Saturday.
To seek full parental status for the non-genetic father, the Melbourne couple approached the Family Court.
Hearing the case, Justice Paul Cronin said: “In this case, the children do not have the benefit of a mother, but they have the good fortune of having two fathers.
As a matter of law, the word parent tends to suggest some biological connection, but... biology does not really matter: it is all about parental responsibility.”
Ms Susan Buchanan, who represented the couple at the Family Court, said the ruling could pave the way for other same-sex couples to win full parenting rights.
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