Imprisoned FB users may face action
Charleston, Feb. 12: Prisoners in the state of South Carolina caught with banned cell phones, which are often tossed over a prison fence to them, can face solitary confinement and loss of visitation and canteen privileges.
But those caught updating their status on their Facebook page, by cell phone or any other means, might soon be looking at 30 extra days behind bars and a $500 fine.
Mr Wendell Gilliard, a Democrat from Charleston, has introduced a bill that would make it unlawful for an inmate to be a member of any internet social-networking site, and would provide a penalty on conviction for the offence.
Earlier this month, a local newspaper detailed the profiles of South Carolina prison Facebookers such as Anthony “Tony” Enriquez, 34, serving life without parole for murdering a man he robbed.
Mr Gilliard said those and other stories prompted him to act and hoped the legislation to be debated and passed passed quickly.
“I was taught that crime does not pay. The goal of the bill is to stop the inside from coming out. Victims have rights, too,” Mr Gilliard said.
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