Obama signs sanctions against Iran
US President Barack Obama warned Iran on Thursday it faced mounting pressure and isolation, as he signed tough new US sanctions he said would strike at Tehran’s capacity to finance its nuclear programme. The measures, on top of new UN Security Council and European sanctions, aim to choke off Iran’s access to imports of
refined petroleum products like gasoline and jet fuel and curb its access to the international banking system. “With these sanctions — along with others — we are striking at the heart of the Iranian government’s ability to fund and develop its nuclear programmes,” Mr Obama said at a White House ceremony, before signing the sanctions into law.
“We are showing the Iranian government that its actions have consequences, and if it persists, the pressure will continue to mount, and its isolation will continue to deepen. “There should be no doubt — the United States and the international community are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.” The US Senate and House of Representatives approved the legislation by crushing 99-0 and 408-8 margins last week. —AFP
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