US sees credible 9/11 threat
The New York police will mount a major counterterrorism operation during Friday’s evening rush hour as US officials rush to check credible, but unconfirmed intelligence about a 9/11 anniversary plot, a senior law enforcement official told Reuters.
The operation will involve a “big show of force” which will include officers armed with heavy weapons patrolling subways and stepped up security and bag checks at major subway and commuter train stations, including Grand Central and Pennsylvania station terminals, the official said. Law enforcement agencies in neighbouring states were also involved.
While the operation had been planned some time ago, the forces and tactics deployed will be stepped up after local and federal authorities received what they described as “specific and credible” but unconfirmed intelligence about a possible threat to attack the US by Islamic militants timed to coincide with the 10th anniv-ersary of the September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington. Intelligence about the threat only surfaced during the course of this week and included possible threats of attacks targeting subways or commuter trains or possible car bomb attacks in New York or Washington, officials said. — Reuters
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