US summons top general in Kabul for his swipe at Prez
America’s top military commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washi-ngton to explain derogatory comments about President Barack Obama and some senior officials, US officials said on Tuesday.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who publicly apologised for using “poor judgment” in an interview in Rolling Stone magazine, has been ordered to attend the White House meeting on Afghani-stan and Pakistan in person rather than over a secure video teleconference, officials said. He will be expected to personally explain his comments to Mr Obama and top Pentagon officials. The article shows Gen. McChrystal or his aides talking in sharply derisive terms about vice-president Joe Biden, US ambassador to Kabul Karl Eikenberry; AfPak special envoy Richard C. Holbro-oke, among others. One of the general’s aides is quoted as referring to US national security adviser James L. Jones as a “clown”. —AP
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