Husbands to discuss impact of ‘biased’ 498A
Contrary to the general misconception, its not just women who suffer at the hands of oppressive husbands, there is a large number of men who are being terrorised by their wives. That is, legally with full help of the law.
Rampant misuse of Section 498A by some “cruel and crafty” women has left the lives of many men in ruins. A group of such husbands have come on a platform called Save India Family. Their demand is simple: Men have the right to stay alive. “We have nearly 50,000 members in the country, 100 representatives of such oppressed husbands will assemble in Kolkata on August 14 and 15 to hold a national conference,” Save Indian Family office bearer T.K. Goswami said.
D.S. Rao, another member, said that Section 498A is heavily biased against husbands. “The law hears only the cries of women and presumes that men are guilty without even giving them a chance to defend themselves. The options they have are either to give in to their wives demands of astronomical amounts of money or waste 4-5 years in the court to prove themselves innocent,” he added.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau 18,441 men committed suicide due to family circumstances. The organisation has prepared a charter of demands which includes enactment of a special domestic violence law for men to prevent rise in men’s suicides due to marital disharmony allegedly created by wives. Their other demand is that tenure of marriage must be considered by courts, while awarding alimony.
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