21/12/12 sparks online joke fest
21/12/12 is approaching and the end of the world is here, or so some would like to believe. While Doomsday predictions have always been a recurring topic, the social media is abuzz anew with jokes about the “end of the world” drawing near.
Aren’t we all supposed to die next month or is that cancelled? asks one Vishal Bhalla on Facebook. Calendar seems to have played an important role when it comes to coming up some really funny wisecracks. A smart FB user says that The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. My phones calendar goes waay past that.
bzking23 adds, “wait so just because a calender ends on a date, that means the world will end? what a joke. Thats like saying an average calender that has the last record able date as December 31st 2015 the last day? My phone goes all the way to December 31st 2099, i guess i better tell my future grandkids about the new end of the world date.”
This father who has “bought his kids the 2012 Doomsday advent calendar” says, “It only has 21 windows.”
A joke doing the rounds is about the dilemma of the media. It goes: “When the End of the World Arrives, How Will the Media Report It? Playboy: girls of the apocalypse. Victoria’s secret catalog: our final sale...”
Some are commenting on the exact hour of the end. “Might need to reschedule your manicure appointment or something?” says pickkkyC. “Hopefully the world ends in the afternoon so i can sleep in. dont wanna be caught wearing dirty undies in an emergency,” quips another.
And one that looks at the day after, “The awkward moment when the world doesn’t end on 21/12/12 and a lot of girls end up being pregnant.”
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