And they lived happily ever after?
Many couples consider the first few years of their relationship, when they made great efforts to understand each other and when everything about a relationship looked perfect (the so-called honeymoon period) as the sweetest time of their lives. Then came the dreaded seven-year-itch, which, going by celebrity breakups have now reduced to a mere 18 months.
Recently, American actress and singer Julianne Hough and radio personality Ryan John Seacrest broke up after being together for two years. So was the case with pop singer Justin Bieber, who split with his girlfriend singer Selena Gomez a little before completing two years together. One may also recall the break up of actors Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor, who dated for a year before they separated in 2009. As irreconcilable differences and infidelity are quoted as reasons for many break-ups, quite a few men reckon that it’s good to let go what doesn’t work.
Actor Karthik Kumar says that, these days, people have developed an aversion for long-term commitments. “Be it home loan, club membership or the big responsibility like marriage, many don’t want to be committed for too long. They believe that everything needs to be renewed and refreshed. The attitude of the current generation is, one can be in a relationship as long as he or she has a good time,” he says.
Society is not a crucial element, that influences an individual’s decision these days, says Dr Manoj Beno, MD of Billroth Hospitals in Chennai. Those days, women weren’t able to come out and say what they wanted. He says, “Earlier women were concerned about their security and about being a single mother. Now, they are bolder and they shine in every industry. On top of all that, we must understand that the people who decide to get separated are also adults and they know what they need the most.”
Model Mario agrees that the honeymoon period has shrunk but he believes that couples should not make any hasty decisions. “Marriage was considered so sacred and we realise that those days have changed. We must also understand the fact, that a relationship will work out, when couples spend time together and make a genuine effort to spice up the relationship.”
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