App offers smokers fun help to kick the butt
Quitting smoking may seem difficult, but it’s not impossible, as the cliché goes. To enable users to quit and stick to the resolve, Facebook application Nicorette(r) Support has been designed to maximise the potential of social networking by reaching out in a personalised manner to people struggling to kick the butt and guiding them through the process.
This application takes into consideration factors like each individual’s quit timeline, reasons for quitting, smoking triggers and craving patterns. This information enables the application to perform the role of a supportive friend who understands the quitter’s needs and supports him accordingly.
“If you are looking for a miracle, then that has to come from you. You can only quit smoking if you are dead serious about it. This app can give people a sense of happiness when they see progress in quitting the habit. This app is useful if you are able to create a desire to quit and work on it, but if you keep looking for excuses not to quit, nothing will help,” says Garima Pant, an advertising professional.
The application can also help quitters find a “quit buddy”, who has a similar quit date or has kicked the butt around the same time to share experiences with. By feeding in moments of temptation when the craving is at its peak, quitters can track their temptation cycle, compare the where, how, when and use Facebook to make the whole process much more achievable and goal oriented.
Rahul Khandewal, a teacher and smoker, feels people seek dependence, so till a limit this app may work after which your willpower has to be tough. “It might give a start to quitting smoking. Suppose, two people decide to quit smoking on the same day, this app will make them friends and both of them will be motivated to motivate each other, which can go on for some time. However, if both turn out to be weak in terms of will power, it will flop,” says Rahul.
Adarsh Gill, a chain smoker, believes that this app could be a good tracking app. “My friend has used various phone applications and failed to kick the butt. I am looking forward to trying this one that has a Facebook connect,” says Adarsh.
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