On board the SRK Express
Shah Rukh Khan was caught in a nostalgic mood at a recent media event in Panchgani. The actor, who is currently shooting for Chennai Express, says, “I had begun my journey in showbiz from here, when I came to Satara for the first time to shoot for Circus. I used to call it Sitara back then.”
It turned out to be the perfect venue for the King of Bollywood to announce the 13th Zee Cine Awards that also marks the completion of 100 years of cinema and two decades of Zee TV.
The superstar, however, was in no mood to discuss anything else except cinema. Before the event could start, his team went around asking the media to strictly avoid all questions about Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Kajol, Ajay Devgn or any other co-star that could spark off a controversy. And sure enough, whenever any of these names were mentioned SRK would simply put down the microphone and stare at the walls. This little idiosyncrasy aside, he was his usual charming self. The multi-tasking Khan said that in spite of being over-worked, he doesn’t like to complain. “About 15 years ago, I was venting about work pressure to Saroj Khan. And she had told me then that I should keep the complaints for the day when I don’t have work. I hope that inshallah I remain so busy that I don’t get a chance to complain ever,” he said.
When the topic drifted back to awards, Shah Rukh said that he feels both popular and critics’ choice awards are equally important pillars of recognition. He says, “Without the critics category, popular stars will take away all the honours. But there is some phenomenal talent that needs to be honoured. I feel blessed when I win in any category.”
After a packed 2012, SRK has no intention of slowing down in 2013. “I want to keep doing two films a year, and start work on one more if possible. Acting is what I enjoy the most,” he said.
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