Drunk texts leave one red-faced
Oops, she’s done it again! Paris Hilton’s new single Drunk Text features her talking over an electro house track and saying things like: “If you take the word ‘sex’ and mix it with ‘texting,’ it’s called ‘sexting’.” The leaked video on YouTube has received many hits, and youngsters feel that they totally relate to it as phone in the hands of a tipsy person can lead to embarrassing situations.
Shilpa Singh (name changed on request), a marketing professional, recalls the horror of sexting her colleague after an office party under the influence of alcohol. She says, “I was too tipsy at the New Year party in office and I was continuously getting text messages from friends wishing me Happy New Year. After sometime, I lost track and started replying in random scribbling. My boyfriend had also texted a gooey message that night and instead of replying to him, I accidentally texted a cheesy message to my colleague. It was very embarrassing to face him the next day.”
Sexting is slowly getting popular among cellphone addicted youngsters, and they feel it is ok to flirt through text messages.
Shubham Sinha, a 19-year-old student, feels it is no big deal to send flirtatious messages to friends, but one has to be careful with the touchy ones on the phone list. He says, “I remember once I was so drunk that I didn’t realise that I was messaging a naughty text to all my friends on my contact list instead of just sending it to my girlfriend. Most of my friends did not react to it, but my girlfriend fought with me next day because the same SMS reached her friends and brother, who told her about the gaffe.”
Some people feel that it is better to switch off the phone if one is too drunk because the first thing that most people tend to do is make phone calls or text random people after being too sloshed. Simta Mehra, a B.Com student at Delhi Universty, says, “My friend had a major crush in college and once she was so sloshed that she kept flirting with him the entire time on text messages. Later she got to know that the guy was a real jerk and he sent those private messages to all his friends. My friend was so humiliated that she skipped college for one week after that incident.”
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