Explore the joy within
You experience real happiness when you are established in your own true self. Mostly this is the state when you are doing something that you love doing and lose the sense of time while doing that. Maharishi Patanjali in his Yog Sutras called this state ‘kaivalya’ and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi termed it as “flow”.
The source of eternal joy lies within you, but due to external environmental factors, you are unable to feel the happiness. So, you need to identify those factors creating imbalance and restore the balance in your immediate external environment to explore the joy within.
Your mind has a natural capability of experiencing the eternal joy and happiness. If you are not able to experience it, you need to check the reasons in the space where you live — your home.
There are two ways in which the conscious mind gets all the experiences, inputs or information. One is through sensory organs — ear, nose, eyes, skin and tongue. The second way is from the sub-conscious state of mind. The sub-conscious mind picks up all the information from your living space. The sub-conscious mind is also responsible for connecting with the source of eternal joy within you. If your sub-conscious mind is clouded with non-relevant information from your space where you live and work, then it loses its capability to stay connected with the core within you.
Documented research in Vastu Shastra has shown that your subconscious mind gets directly affected by your space. It continuously picks information from the placement of activities and objects in your home. Activities mean entrance door and rooms for sleeping, bathing, cooking etc. If location of the entrance is not rightly placed (out of 32 possible locations), you do not feel at peace.
For example, if the entrance is located in west-northwest (WNW) vastu zone, you do not get due results of your efforts and this makes you feel unhappy. WNW is the vastu zone of depression and low moods, when your bedroom or even a photograph of yours is placed here, you feel heaviness in your mind and feel like crying often. It is because your subconscious mind gets information to cry to get relieved of emotional blockages.
Similarly, if there is a toilet, store or kitchen located in the vastu zone of fun and happiness, east-northeast, all your efforts and expenses to experience joy prove futile and you feel lethargic the moment you enter the house. Almost similar effects are experienced if there are shades of pink, orange or golden in this zone. In fact, these reduce your capacity to let go painful past memories which do not allow you to experience real happiness.
To get established in the state of real joy, you must have a good connectivity with your own self as well as with the outer world. When you place a dustbin in south-southwest vastu zone in your home, it conveys an instruction to your subconscious mind to dispose of all those thoughts and emotions which are useless. This draws you closer to people around. Along with this, placing a painting of laughing persons or fresh flowers in east-northeast vastu zone will help you explore the joy within and create more happiness in life.
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