It has been a case of third-time lucky for long-time friends Sunanda Pushkar and Shashi Tharoor, who tied the knot recently. It is a third marriage for both. Look around, and you will notice many couples, who have found a fresh chance at love and marriage again.
Says art consultant Anisha Bhandari, “I have experienced it, and can say that it’s wonderful to let your guard down and let someone enter your life again. My husband and I decided to put our divorces behind and start afresh with each other. I advise people to keep at it, till they find a great partner.”
There is nothing more harmful to either spouse or their children when the couple is suffering in a bad marriage. Says image consultant Manjusha Maheshwari, “Sometimes there is no one to blame for a bad marriage. It’s just one of those things that happens. The more dignified a break-up, the easier it is to move on. What’s great is that people are coming to terms with remarrying. The Indian male, particularly, has evolved in these aspects. Most Indian women are also economically independent, which has also assisted this trend.” The process of a second marriage becomes that much tougher when there are kids involved, but taking them through it in the right manner makes all the difference. Anisha says, “Children are a lot more mature than we think they are. In my case, my husband and I both had a child each from our earlier marriage. Things worked out well and now, we’re one big happy family.” Experts stress on the importance of making an effort to mend the relationship before calling it quits. “People need to ask themselves if they have given their marriage their 100 per cent and have tried everything possible to make things work, before wanting out,” says psychologist Jagruti Sarnath.
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