Heavy metal
These days, hair colouring is no longer an exclusive, uppity style procedure. In fact, now whenever anyone wants a quick makeover or a solution to perk up their ‘boring’ hair, experts advise them to go in for a bit of colour.
“Apart from just adding colour, hair colour can also be used to increase density for those who have thin hair or even to play up or downplay certain facial features, using highlights or lowlights, to enhance one’s looks,” explains Payal Singhal, senior technical consultant of a premium brand.
With the festive and wedding seasons coming up, experts pick metallic shades as the biggest trend for the coming season. “Think burnt copper, a deep bronze or even a garnet hue. It’s a great thing because these colours also complement the Indian skin tone very well. Most of these shades have a brown base or accent which is easily picked up by Indian skin colours,” says Leslie Xavier, a hairstylist. While platinum is also another standout that’s doing the rounds internationally, experts say it’s better left alone because this shade doesn’t go well with Indian skin. “Another big no-no are blonde shades. It’s always better to go two shades darker or lighter. One can also go in for regular favourites like cinnamon, caramel that come with a metallic tint. Another hot option are jewel tones,” he says.
One of the trickiest aspects of hair colour is finding a hue that matches your skin perfectly. “There’s a simple rule of thumb — the colour should match your eyes. Look closely into your eyes, you will see little specks of brown or even black or golden, those are the shades that you need to pick from,” says Payal.
Since metallic shades come with sheen, it is important to ensure that this doesn’t fade away. “It’s a must to protect the sheen of coloured hair, only then can you prevent it from looking worn-out,” adds Payal. The quickest solution for this is opting for a hair glaze. “Even though it sounds complicated, a hair glaze is simple to do. First, you need to shampoo your hair and quickly towel-dry it. Meanwhile, mix half the amount of conditioner you use with some cold water. Pour it on your hair and allow it to stand for five minutes. Rinse it out using cold water and watch your hair shine,” says Leslie.
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